How Does Hypnosis Work?
How does hypnosis work? Hypnosis is such a little known subject. It is often looked at as very odd,, even scary or dangerous! I’m here...
Chronic Illness...Now What? How to Overcome Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, etc.
Finally the day has come. You have received your diagnosis. Phewwww... Now you can finally have a little more clarity. It is lupus, or...
How to STOP Emotional Eating... Once and for all using this technique!
Want to be free of those constant thoughts about food? How about those unconscious thoughts and feelings about food? What if I told you,...
Feeling shaken up? Try these 3 tips.
The past few months have been intense. With everything going on in the world, it's often difficult to live our everyday lives without...
Sexual Trauma and Chronic Illness
Is there a correlation between sexual trauma and chronic illness? Renowned hypnotherapist and Tedx Speaker, Danna Pycher explains in this...
Weight Loss and Hypnosis
Danna Pycher, master hypnotherapist and TEDx presenter, explains in this webinar how the mind dictates behavior for addictions. She...
Transformational Hypnotherapy with Danna Pycher
Originally published on Wealth Today’s guest is hypnotherapist Danna Pycher. Danna came to discover hypnotherapy after facing...
Could female self-hatred be the real cause of autoimmune disease?
Originally published on by Sarah Wilson I’ve analyzed autoimmune disease from all different angles, and tried to treat my...
Is hypnosis safe?
“I’ll try anything but hypnosis.” Even in my darkest days, I was totally turned off by hypnosis. Today, of course, I know it’s the tool...
Is your sugar addiction actually all in your head?
Originally Published in I Quit Tried to quit sugar but still can’t resist that tray of donuts? Is it actually all in your head?...